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Utilisation Rate As a Monthly Service

Utilisation Rate As a Monthly Service

Regular price €24,90 EUR
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100% privacy-preserving  Utilisation Rate As a Service. Every month, day, minute, second.

The total number of persons entering a building or an area is reduced by the total number of persons leaving the area. The system combines data from several access routes and floors in the area. The occupancy rate is calculated from the maximum capacity allocated to the area.

The utilisation rate takes into account the period of days and times during which the number of persons in the area is averaged (e.g. "weekdays 08:00-16:00"). The system first averages each hour and then averages these figures over the period. The figure is expressed as a number or alternatively as a percentage of the maximum number with an accuracy of 98%.

Free desks immediately visible to users of the office building

Instead of booking a desk, users can instantly see the number of available desks on different floors and areas in real time. The system guarantees complete privacy for all users and the possibility to track the utilisation rate of the building

Mobile phones as counting sensors

The world's most accurate AI models for computer vision-based people counting on mobile devices mounted in a high-quality case suitable for public spaces.

Total privacy protection

The people count is done instantly on the mobile device installed for the count. No personal data is stored or transferred and therefore no personal register is created in accordance with the GDPR. The data collected is statistical numerical data, the number of people counted and the time. Local use of the mobile device is disabled.

A New Model trained on Europe's Fastest Supercomputer, LUMI

Our latest AI model for people counting is trained on Europe's fastest supercomputer, LUMI. The new model will offer unrivalled accuracy.

A key feature of the people counting solution we have developed is our commitment to privacy. Our solution is 100% privacy-preserving, no personal data is stored. We are implementing this principle of respect for personal data and privacy in the development of our new AI model. Data has been collected in separate secured development environments, where individuals have given written consent to be photographed. The training of the model itself in the LUMI supercomputer has taken place using images that have first been fully anonymised.

Our solution reflects the European commitment to respect privacy and the open-minded exploitation of the potential of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

Content of the service

  1. Online reporting (Microsoft Power BI, does not include end-user licenses)
  2. Weekly reporting summary via email (for subscriptions of five or more counting points).
  3. Utilisation Rate  As a Service based on our Android phones as counting sensors, which we install at the customer's premises for the duration of the service. We guarantee 24/7 automated counting with an accuracy of at least 98%. 

Installation 189,50 EUR Includes the installation of one counter, the necessary brackets, the installation of the counter on a wall or lamppost and the connection of the plug to the socket. The customer is responsible for connecting the electricity to the socket. The price does not include any additional electrical work and machine hire, such as the use of a crane.

The delivery and service are subject to Supersight terms and conditions for services June 21, 2024.

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